Tuesday, May 26, 2009

who can say?

Only Time
by : enya

who can
say where the road goes
where the day flows, only time..
and who can say if your love grows
as your heart chose, only time..
who can say why your heart sighs

as your love flies, only time..
and who can say why your heart cries
when your love lies, only time..
who can say when the roads meet
that love might be in your heart

and who can say when the day sleeps
if the night keeps all your heart
night keeps all your heart..
who can say if your love grows
as your heart chose, only time..
and who can say where the road goes
where the day flows, only time..
who knows? only time..

..but if the time can't answer anything, can't tell anything, doesn't know anything,
what else can do that?..

Saturday, May 23, 2009



gw lagi seneng main looklet nih.
tau web itu dari salah satu temen gw, sebut saja dia bernama garnis. lagi buka2 plurk gw, trus dia ngepost tentang looklet gitu.

karna penasaran itu apaan, alhasil gw buka tuh website.. daaann.. eng ing engg.. i like it!
main ini lumayan seru.

klo sebelumnya gw coba main polyvore buat mix and match baju skrng gw lebih suka looklet.
ga tau kenapa deh, mungkin karna di polyvore ga ada model yang meragain baju yang kita pilih kali yah, klo di looklet itu ada, jadi berasa lebih nyata.. *halaahhh* baru bikin beberapa style sih di looklet. soalnya buat bikin satu style aja kyanya gw butuh inspirasi dulu.. wkwkwkwk.. *lebay mode : on*
sooo.. do you wanna play it, too?? come on, it's fun! :)

ouuccchhh! by : dienz.

woman@work! by : dienz.
(niatnya ingin buat style orang2 kantoran gitu, tp kok jadinya ga terlalu keliatan mau ngantor yahh inii?? gpplah yaaa.. :p )

hangout! by : dienz.

ahh-lazyday! by : dienz.

cuma beberapa style yang jadi fav. aja nih yang gw masukin.. hehee..
silahkan dicicipi yahh..


Thursday, May 14, 2009



i'm new with this one :)

i've no idea. wht should i do with this blog?
do i have to write about myself? or my life, my hope, my dream?
hhmmm still find wht should i do with this one.

I'll be back when I know something to write about :p
